داستان آبیدیک

نشان دادن

~ dâdan


1 general:: suggest, show


2 Law:: a : to put or spread before the view (display the flag( b : to make evident (displayed great skill( c : to exhibit ostentatiously (liked to display his erudition( ● expose

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3 Law:: a : to make known : bring to light (as something shameful) b : to disclose the faults or crimes of (expose a murderer(

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4 Law:: to cause to be visible or open to view : display : as a : to offer publicly for sale b : to exhibit for public veneration c : to reveal the face of (a playing card) or the cards of (a player

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5 Law:: to state or express briefly (indicated a desire to cooperate( ● exhibit : 1. to submit (as a document) to a court or officer in course of proceedings; also : to present or offer officially or in legal form 2. to present to view: as a : to show or display outwardly especially by visible signs or actions (exhibited no fear( b : to have as a readily discernible quality or feature (in all cultures we know, men exhibit an aesthetic sense — H. J. Muller( c : to show publicly especially for purposes of competition or demonstration (exhibit a collection of artifacts( intransitive verb : to display something for public inspection ● manifest : to make evident or certain by showing or displaying Synonyms : show, manifest, evidence, evince, demonstrate mean to reveal outwardly or make apparent. Show is the general term but sometimes implies that what is revealed must be gained by inference from acts, looks, or words (careful not to show his true feelings(. It also means

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6 Law:: to present as a public spectacle : perform

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7 Law:: to reveal by one

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8 Law:: to give indication or record of (an anemometer shows wind speed( 6 a : to point out : direct attention to (showed the view from the terrace( b : conduct, usher (showed me to an aisle seat(

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9 Law:: accord, bestow (shows them no mercy( 8 a : to set forth : declare b : allege, plead — used especially in law (show cause( 9 a : to demonstrate or establish by argument or reasoning (show a plan to be faulty( b : inform, instruct (showed me how to solve the problem(

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10 Law:: to present (an animal) for judging in a show. Manifest implies a plainer, more immediate revelation (manifested musical ability at an early age(. Evidence suggests serving as proof of the actuality or existence of something (a commitment evidenced by years of loyal service(. Evince implies a showing by outward marks or signs (evinced not the slightest fear(. Demonstrate implies showing by action or by display of feeling (demonstrated their approval by loud applause(. Reveal means :

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11 Law:: to make known through divine inspiration

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12 Law:: to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known (reveal a secret(

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13 Law:: to open up to view : display (the uncurtained window revealed a cluttered room( reveal, disclose, divulge, tell, betray mean to make known what has been or should be concealed. Reveal may apply to supernatural or inspired revelation of truths beyond the range of ordinary human vision or reason (divine will as revealed in sacred writings(. Disclose may imply a discovering but more often an imparting of information previously kept secret (candidates must disclose their financial assets(. Divulge implies a disclosure involving some impropriety or breach of confidence (refused to divulge an anonymous source(. Tell implies an imparting of necessary or useful information (told them what he had overheard(. Betray implies a divulging that represents a breach of faith or an involuntary or unconscious disclosure (a blush that betrayed her embarrassment(. Betray means : to reveal unintentionally (betray one

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14 Law:: to display or obtrude oneself to public notice (a great flaunting crowd — Charles Dickens(

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15 Law:: to wave or flutter showily (the flag flaunts in the breeze( transitive verb

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16 Law:: to display ostentatiously or impudently : PARADE (flaunting his superiority( Usage : Although transitive sense 2 of flaunt undoubtedly arose from confusion with flout, the contexts in which it appears cannot be called substandard (meting out punishment to the occasional mavericks who operate rigged games, tolerate rowdyism, or otherwise flaunt the law — Oscar Lewis( (observed with horror the flaunting of their authority in the suburbs, where men…put up buildings that had no place at all in a Christian commonwealth — Marchette Chute( (in our profession…very rarely do we publicly chastise a colleague who has flaunted our most basic principles — R. T. Blackburn, AAUP Bulletin( If you use it, however, you should be aware that many people will consider it a mistake. Use of flout in the sense of flaunt [

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